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Thursday 11 June 2015

Last chance to catch this exciting exhibition by our very own Eleanor White and fellow artist Joanna Wright. 

There will be a pop-up cafe on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th - yummy cakes and fantastic coffee to stimulate your viewing pleasure. (all proceeds towards funding a young students gap year community work in Africa)

Here's what Eleanor and Joanna have to say about how the exhibition came about;

The resolution behind this work for me was to make the transition from teaching to my own practice. The subject arose out of the gifts that people would bring when they visited: flowers from allotments, petrol stations, supermarkets and local gardens.  Whichever it was and whenever they arrived I painted them. This gave immediacy to the work as the subject would soon lose vitality and freshness.  Seeing was the key, and the application of expressive paint led the way. Given time I aim to continue with the compulsiveness of working from the gifts that friends bring.  Eleanor White

Last October Eleanor and I made a resolution to make a drawing or painting each week - this exhibition is the result.  I made a series of small pictures of pots and cups on paper, which led to working in the same way on board and with collage, trying to look at the objects as two-dimensional patterns made up of arrangements of shapes.  This led to working with patterned panels, partly inspired by the Islamic idea of repetitive images signifying the boundless presence of God.   Being able to arrange and rearrange the panels to make their own infinite compositions has been part of the pleasure of working in this way.  Joanna Wright

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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